Meet Sarah
Sarah attends the Gentle Yoga class on Thursday evenings
What brought you to yoga? I have been exploring natural approaches to health & well-being since my early twenties and used to practice T’ai Chi and Chi Kung. My daily Chi Kung practice came to an end when I was really unwell and I have been looking for a way to gradually reintroduce a daily practice into my life. Yoga has been around in the background for many years and I had been thinking about going to classes for several years when an opportunity to attend a yoga retreat in Devon came up. The retreat was a powerful introduction to the benefits of yoga and inspired me to start looking for a regular class nearby as my starting point.
How long have you been practising, in general and with Rosanna? I have been practising yoga at weekly classes for most of the last two years, and attending Rosanna’s Gentle Yoga class for the last eight months.
How do you feel from coming to the classes? I have found that the Gentle Yoga class allows me to make progress at my own rate and doesn’t push me so hard that I find it difficult to motivate myself to continue coming to classes. I have gradually built up confidence and strength. Yoga is a great addition to improving my well-being. And I can feel it effecting me at a deep level. I leave feeling energised and deeply relaxed.
Do you have a favourite yoga posture/practice – and why? I’m hopeless at choosing just one favourite of anything, but some of my favourite postures are warrior II sequence, chair pose and reclined cobbler. My all time favourite has to be tree pose. Simple and straightforward and all about balance and grounding.
What impact does yoga have on your life, in general and day-to-day? Yoga has increased my confidence and fitness. I am determined to make yoga an ever increasing part of my life. A weekly class is a wonderful starting point. For me, it is important that yoga has a holistic approach and has an impact on body, mind & spirit.
Are you a Student at Rosanna’s classes? Happy to answer a few questions? I’d love to hear from you! Please share a bit about your journey to, and experiences on the mat by getting in touch here.